vendredi 1 octobre 2010

The Little Boy in Red

I took this photo in Brussels on the 26th of September 2010.
We were having a drink outside a café with some friends and this Little Boy in Red was playing under the pouring rain. That reminded me how much I love the water although I used to complain so much about the rain and the grey sky that goes along with it...
It's funny how something you hate can actually turn out to be something you like.
I use to hate it because it was there all the time, annoying me. I did not like arriving at school in the morning, be all wet for hours and get sick... Or getting ready for a day on the beach in the summer and once on the sand the sky could turn completely dark in a minute and rain.
But somehow, I ended up liking it because it is also linked to both great and bad memories that define me in a way. This type of weather suits my personality.
The rain washes the atmosphere, the cars and the street. And allows you to be late, to wait under a shelter for it to stop...and forces you to take the time to observe the world around you and see things under a new perspective.
These rainy days are perfect for the Winter Stories coming up...

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